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Twyla B. Bartel, DO, MBA, FACNM, FSNMMI


Dr. Bartel received her DO from Oklahoma State University. She completed her nuclear medicine residency and PET/CT fellowship at the University of Iowa and then a diagnostic radiology residency at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. 


She has served as a nuclear medicine residency program director, chief of nuclear medicine services, and PET/CT director.


She is very active with many groups including the SNMMI, ACNM, ABR, ACR, ARRS, AUR, and SWCSNMMI.


As author of numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, Dr. Bartel is well-respected and internationally known.


Dr. Bartel is certified by the American Board of Nuclear Medicine and the American Board of Radiology. 


In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, writing and performing music, and travelling.

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